Manifesting Dreams into Reality: A Conversation with Stephanie Edouard

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The personal development sector has recently experienced a boom in the topics of manifestation and the law of attraction. Leading this movement is Stephanie Edouard, a manifestation strategist whose main goal is to help people manifest their desires into existence. 

Stephanie is the mastermind behind Epiphany in Steph. She has built a successful brand based on manifestation, self-care, and mental wellness principles. She is changing people’s lives and realities into the epic of self-development and self-fulfillment through her website and her “Heaven On Earth Manifestation Journal” available on Amazon.

Today, we have the pleasure of interviewing Stephanie and exploring her journey and the idea of manifestation.

  1. Could you please share with us your story about how you transitioned to becoming an expert in manifestation?

Like everything else in life you have to build, trust, and have fun. Learning how to be masterful at manifestation takes patience. It’s like being in a relationship you have to work on it, trust your partner, and ensure both parties are on the same page. Same thing with manifestation. I had to learn what it is, trust in it, and communicate with it. Manifestation is a conversation about divine intelligence. You are never well informed on the subject so you kind of have to figure it out yourself. Some people call it God, the universe, the inner self, or the little whisper. Regardless of the terminology, it’s a living force, for when you are ready it will be speak back to you in the most phenomenal way. The sense of humor it has is beyond anything imaginable. You have an essence; omnipresent intelligence you can’t see, hear, or speak with verbally, beyond capable of finding ways to respond back to you, no words can measure. My life embodied a few profound experiences science could not ever make sense of. 

I called this “The Two Doves And One Crow” story.  One early morning I took a small trip to Ralph’s grocery store and on the way there I saw a crow on a street post crowing as I walked towards its direction. I didn’t think anything strange of it because apparently in Los Angeles to have crows as birds was normal. As I continued to walk past the crow something unbelievable happened. The crow charged towards me and with my own two eyes, a phenomenon happened. I saw two white doves appear out of thin air and tackle the crow into a nearby tree. I was completely astounded by the fact this was even possible. My mind couldn’t comprehend how an object could materialize out of nothing.  Right then and there, I knew wholeheartedly if two doves can magically appear from thin air to protect me from a crow, anything was possible. When you witness a surreal moment, your perspective of the unknown changes and you begin experimenting with the divine intelligence. This is where I learned there are levels to manifestation.

  1. What do you understand by manifestation and how is that different from goal setting?

Manifestation, if you know how to yield your power correctly you can become the most happiest person in the world. Your reality will become the most exquisite experience you have encountered. Life opens up to you in the most glorious way. Everything is yours under grace not under law. Every wish. Every spoken word. Suddenly the world around you is truly magical as it once was when you were younger so eager to experience Life. Goal setting is different from manifestation because it stands in the frequency of lack. It comes from the ego, you desire to accomplish your goals due to an internal feeling of lack. You are driven by ego, not spirit. True manifestation doesn’t need to be forced to be or not to be. It’s just a delightful daydream free to flow without interpretation of the defense network programmed in your mind, goal setting is. Goal setting requires you to work hard. Manifestation when done correctly is effortless. All you must do is allow it to come to you freely without resistance.

  1. In your opinion, what part do self-care and mental health contribute to manifesting your goals?

You cannot enter the state of bliss without it. To create your own personal heaven on earth you must be in alignment with the divine. Which means your mental hygiene requires you to be healthy. Some may ask how you keep a healthy mental state. I recommend daydreaming. When you have time to daydream, you can create all the amazing experiences you wish to have putting you in a positive frequency. Staying in the moment is how you produce a strong frequency within the environment and send a wavelength message to Mother Nature to bring forth this experience. This is why your mental state needs to be in good standing or else you will experience activities you wish not to.

Negative thinking will bring curses, spells, and bad luck. While positive thinking brings the most beautiful experiences you can’t even begin to fathom. Self-care is no different. Be careful of what you speak because your words are a magic wand. Be mindful of your words and what conversations you choose to participate in and stand in agreement with.  Be careful of what you see, because what you watch is programming your belief system. Be careful of what you hear because what you listen to influences your decisions. And lastly, be careful of what you react to because what you focus your energy on you manifest it into reality. All of these things are essential to manifest freely without limitation. To allow your imagination to metamorphose into matter. 

  1. Please give a specific and inspiring story of one of your client’s successes.

I have many clients’ stories and many can speak to their impediments. However today I want to speak about my experience. My truth. I mean what better way to provide an inspirational story if it’s not being told the author’s journey? 

It all began in my freshman year in college, I was in a terrible place in life. Perhaps I am dramatizing my experience but in the moment I felt completely lost. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. My dreams of becoming a TV Producer shattered once I realized exactly how things are run in Hollywood. I pronounced taking a break from college and started living with my parents, completely spiraling into chronic depression. My reality crashed hard, I was experiencing the dark knight of the soul. I felt hopeless. While in this deep despair, I remember one thing,  I had an out-of-body experience of a vision of me living in Hawaii. I undoubtedly remembered I was at a beach somewhere with crystal blue water. So I held onto that vision and every day I focused on what it felt like to be in the crystal blue water. How the water felt at this exact moment. 

Every day I took time to sense what being happy in Hawaii perceived as. I visualized daily what activities I would adventure, such as hiking and surfing. To take it even further, I listened to tropical house music from Hawaii just to stay in this frequency. One day I decided to apply to The University of Hawaii Manoa with the hopes of using it as a pathway to live there. I continued on with life while mentality living in Hawaii. Three months later, I was actually living in Hawaii. And the vision I had a couple of months prior became my reality. I experienced a reality composed of the past, present, and future residing all in the same timeline. It was sincerely profound, time stood still.  I was in complete bliss. All I could think about was how happy I was just to be there.

I could have spoken about inspirational familiarity but then what about it would be Heaven On Earth? This story speaks about constructing my own reality in my mind and then bringing it forth into the physical. My method teaches people how to transmute thought into matter using their feelings and imagination. Your feelings are the powerhouse beyond every reality hoped for. How you feel internally will reflect in the world around you. My story is about breaking down the barriers into the unknown and gaining a sense of adventure & mystery within our daily lives through manifestation.

  1. Your “Heaven On Earth Manifestation Journal” has become popular. What is special about this tool, and how have you created it?

Heaven On Earth Manifestation Journal is the holy grail of information forgotten. Secrecy was sworn amongst the ancient masters. Spread through hidden text amongst society’s most prominent people, and I had the privilege to learn secrets most will never get to know or comprehend in their lifetime. My journal is more than special, when applied correctly it can become truly life-changing. I highly recommend it should only be practiced by those who are serious about connecting with the Divine Intelligence. My journal is for those who are ready to raise their consciousness and rapture out of the third dimension and elevate into heaven on earth.

  1. Which of the concepts related to manifestation did you find people struggling with the most and how do you help them correct the misconceptions?

What I came across when it came to Manifestation was many people didn’t feel worthy enough to have what they were asking for. Yes, they desired it but deep down, internally what my clients were trying to manifest they feared. Feared it would be too good to be true, something we all suffer from on a global platform. We are all guilty of it. However, the beauty of manifestation is it challenges you to acknowledge and bring awareness to the negative hidden patterns from within. Heaven On Earth Manifestation Journal allows you to reflect and record all of those trapped emotions you refuse to face so you can manifest your heart’s wishes. When working with my clients, we work on why they feel they are undeserving and then channel this energy to why they are worthy to have their wish. As a society, we fill our time choosing to be productive, we never grace ourselves with time to just sit, reflect, and feel. By refusing stillness, we allow ourselves to clog up until we turn grey. I help people find the color in their lives and move away from being grey. Each coaching session consists of my clients reprogramming their subconscious brains with their own belief systems. As know you what you stand in agreement with helps shape your reality. By tapping into their subconscious mind I am giving my clients a second chance at freedom. A second chance to create a life they always dreamed of.